Modern mobile apps are benefiting from using gRPC with Protobuf to reduce boilerplate code for their client-server
networking implementation. While directly implemented by gRPC, the library can easily implement all necessary features
for efficient file transfers.
gRPC with Protobuf is a framework to efficiently simplify the client-server networking requirements of modern
applications. One use-case where the low-level simplicity of pure HTTP maintains an advantage over gRPC is handling file
transfers: the uploading and downloading of contiguous binary block data. But gRPC can efficiently replicate all HTTP
functionality within its Protobuf message framework making it unnecessary to host separate gRPC and HTTP servers for
Job Queues are critical parts of Enterprise workloads. Complex queues use distributed nodes, state machines, and
complex scheduling to trigger and track running jobs. But when simplicity allows the best approach is to create small
idempotent jobs. The smaller the unit of work the easier progress can be tracked, jobs can be restarted or rerun with
minimal waste, composability and reuse are increased, and logic is easier to reason about. These are the same arguments
for Functional Programming and their Effect Systems, such as ZIO. Effect systems are congruent to the enterprise job
queue, with ZIO fibers performing work and ZIO Resource Management
forming the scheduling and supervision backbone. An efficient job queue can be written using ZIO constructs using
surprisingly minimal amount of code.
Realtime push-based databases such as Google Firebase conveniently ensure
clients are synchronized with the server. Data updates stream to clients immediately as they happen; and if a client
disconnects, updates are immediately processed after reconnecting.
gRPC server streaming
and ZIO Hub can implement this functionality replicating an expensive paid
Firebase service while allowing greater extensibility.
Expanding on the realtime Firebase implementation in the previous article, this expands the functionality allowing the
server to fetch data on-demand from an external datasource. Additionally, functionality to periodical refresh active
data which is subscribed to by connected clients transforms this database into an efficient cache to evolving external
data which can only be obtained by polling.
The free tier of GitHub Packages has limited bandwidth to download private artifacts; which can make it unsuitable for
use in a CI/CD pipeline for projects on a budget. In an effort to increase GitHub Packages’ usability, this article
develops an alternative approach minimizing the dependency on GitHub Packages as hot storage, but preserving it as a
viable cold storage, durable storage solution.
Scala Native is a compiler and JDK written in Scala with the goal of removing Scala’s dependency on the JVM. This isn’t
meant to achieve a higher performance such as with JDKs, and it is targeting a specialized use-case not considered to be
today’s typical Scala development. Its competitors are Rust and Go, not GraalVM, Java or Kotlin. This article goes
through common steps and challenges encountered when compiling Scala Native for linux with a GitHub Action.
Streaming is the primary mechanism to reduce memory requirements for processing large datasets. The approach is to
view only a small window of data at a time, allowing data to stream through in manageable amounts matching the
data window size to the amount of RAM available. A practical example is a file-upload, where multi-GBs file streams
can be handled by MBs of server RAM. However, enforcing streaming in software code is prone to errors, and misuse or
incompatible method implementations will lead to breaking stream semantics, and ultimately to OOM exceptions. This
article focuses on streams within the context of file uploads, using the Http4s library for examples.
In-memory caches mapping Key => Value are a simple and versatile tool to reduce number of calls to an origin
datasource. There are many use-cases requiring multiple cache calls, preferring Seq[Key] => Seq[Value]. Can a standard
cache implementation be expanded to efficiently handle this scenario?
AWS Lambda offer the ability to run code functions without a server. Basically standalone functions that receive JSON as
a parameter and have up to 15 minutes to do anything. The source of the JSON event can be anything, AWS has configured
most of their AWS products to emit events; for example uploading a file to S3 creates JSON that contains information
about the file. Lambdas are meant to be simple and short-lived code snippets, so each Lambda can only listen to 1 source
for events (although you can proxy multiple types of events through a single source). The most generic source for events
is to listen to HTTP requests on a public URL, and we’ll cover how that can be done in this article.
The suitability of programming languages across different domains is a contested topic. AWS Lambda Functions are a
serverless solution that can be used for a wide range of problems from tiny to large tasks. For lightweight tasks how
does the JVM stack up?
HTML elements are free
to change the style, size, and placement of their children, and even their order. A lot of advanced use cases define
rendering based on both the properties of element as well as the properties of their children; one particularly
interesting case is the 2 column timeline. This is similar to a standard 2 column flow, except instead of first filling
one column and overflowing to the second, columns are filled simultaneously – inserting elements into whichever has the
least content. The net effect is elements occurring earlier in the HTML markup are placed vertically higher in the page
than elements occurring later. The page reads top to bottom as a chronological timeline, which while being a simple
enough concept cannot be done using standard HTML. In fact, the exact ordering of elements are different based on widths
of the columns. Column placements are determined by previous element’s heights, and heights are a function of widths, so
setting colum...
Most sortable HTML
table generators (such as AngularJS’s ng-grid) allow cells to be customized and
formatted according to templates, however all templates are specified as parsed strings of HTML content. The Web
Components specification allows for HTML Templates, meaning
actual HTML fragments can be used instead of pieced together strings. Two benefits are better readability, CSS
encapsulation by way of Shadow DOM, and soon to be native
support by modern browsers.