//TODO: Complete code documentation

4 minute read


Modern mobile apps are benefiting from using gRPC with Protobuf to reduce boilerplate code for their client-server networking implementation. While directly implemented by gRPC, the library can easily implement all necessary features for efficient file transfers.

Other Posts in this Series

gRPC versus JavaScript libraries

Cloud providers have libraries with support for uploading and downloading from cloud storage. These libraries approach transfers as a large number of HTTP requests, breaking up large files into smaller transfer requests. As requests move from pending, in progress, to complete, the current status of the transfer can be calculated.

The gRPC approach is similar, however instead of using separate HTTP requests each file chunk is sequentially sent over an HTTP/2 stream. The performance of both approaches is comparable, as multiple requests are multiplexed over a single HTTP connection closely mirroring how HTTP/2 streaming operates over a single connection. The only real difference is encountered when moving from sequential to concurrent operation, ie: sending multiple chunks at a time. Request multiplexing directly support this, however multiple stream requests need to be used to implement this using gRPC as each stream is inherently sequential and ordered.

pubspec.yaml Dependencies

This sample client requires 2 Flutter libraries:

  • grpc core implementation for networking.
  • image_picker implements an image picker widget to easily select upload files.

Flutter Workflow

Adding the complexity of streaming file transfers only benefits larger file transfers. Small transfers that can fit into the 4MB maximum message size for GRPC would be well served with the more simple approach.

In our demo, we are using a 35MB image originated by the James Webb Space Telescope, MACS J0417.5-1154 Wide Field , 4623 X 4623, PNG (35.14 MB).

Step 1: Initial UI screen
Step 1: Initial UI screen
Step 2: Select upload file
Step 2: Select upload file
Step 3: File upload to server
Step 3: File upload to server
Step 4: File available on server
Step 4: File available on server
Step 5: Download from server to client
Step 5: Download from server to client
Step 6: Successful upload and download
Step 6: Successful upload and download

Flutter Code

This implementation will use the state management built into Flutter:

These work in the same way, with ValueNotifier being an implementation inheriting from ChangeNotifier suitable for simplified immutable state. The ChangeNotifier and ValueNotifier are data classes storing an internal state, which are rendered by ListenableBuilder and ValueListenableBuilder widgets, with the ability to trigger widget rendering on state changes.

There are 5 states to watch in this workflow:

  • ValueNotifier<XFile?> representing a selected upload image (XFile) on the client, chosen by ImagePicker.
  • ValueNotifier<FileSendChangeNotifier?> represented by either null when there isn’t an upload, or non-null for an upload.
  • FileSendChangeNotifier represents an upload process, either actively uploading or completed.
  • ValueNotifier<FileReceiveChangeNotifier?> represented by either null when there isn’t a download, or non-null for a download.
  • FileReceiveChangeNotifier represents a download process, either actively downloading or completed.

Code: file_transfer_change_notifier.dart

Both uploads and downloads have been modeled using an abstract class FileTransferChangeNotifier. This class will track the transfer process, with update being called as each FileChunk of the stream is processed.

A close method should be called after a successful transfer has completed.

The implementations for upload and download require different implementations because of how stream processing has been implemented: uploads process stream elements before they are uploaded (ie: transfer will happen), and downloads process stream elements after they are downloaded (ie: transfer has happened).

abstract class FileTransferChangeNotifier with ChangeNotifier {
  /// State
  FileTransferProgress _progress;
  DateTime _lastUpdate;

  /// Used to render UI Widgets
  FileTransferProgress get progress => _progress;
  /// `fileChunk` is about to be sent on send, or has been received on receive.
  void update(FileChunk fileChunk);

  /// Mark the transfer as successful and complete.
  /// `filename` argument should be the server reference on send, 
  ///  or the local file path if received.
  void close(String filename);


This class implements the upload process, each update call will mark the current FileChunk as in progress and all previous as completed, with close marking the current FileChunk as completed.


This class implements the download process, each update call will mark the current FileChunk as completed, with close unnecessary but for performing the client-server filename mapping should it exist.

Code: file_transfer_progress.dart

This class is the immutable data model used by FileSendChangeNotifier and FileReceiveChangeNotifier.

class FileTransferProgress {

  //Populated when process starts.
  // null only for an upload that hasn't processed its first FileChunk
  final DateTime? startTimestamp;
  //Populated by calling `close`
  final DateTime? endTimestamp;
  //Populated from first FileChunk
  final int fileSizeInBytes;
  final int chunkSizeInBytes;
  //Calculated when each FileChunk is processed
  final int transferredBytes;
  final int bytesPerSecond;
  final int secondsRemaining;
  //Populated when process starts
  //Updated by calling `close`
  final String? filename;

Code: file_transfer_grpc_client.dart

This class implements the GRPC client; initiating GRPC connections and requests, as well as handling Stream creation to and from the local filesystem.

class FileTransferGrpcClient {
  /// Code-generated client
  final FileServiceClient _fileServiceClient;
  /// Requests
  Future<FileSendChangeNotifier> upload(XFile xFile)
  FileReceiveChangeNotifier download(String serverFilename, File output)
  /// Static Helpers
  static Stream<(Uint8List, int)> _calcOffset<T>(Stream<Uint8List> input)
  static Stream<Uint8List> _rechunkStream(Stream<Uint8List> input)
  static Iterable<Uint8List> _rechunkUint8List(Uint8List list, int length)
  static Future<Stream<FileChunk>> _readXFile(XFile xFile)

Flutter Widget: file_transfer_progress_bar_widget.dart

Flutter Widget: file_transfer_widget.dart

class FileTransferProgressBarWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  final ValueNotifier<FileTransferChangeNotifier?> fileTransferChangeNotifierNotifier;

  /// Returns % progress, display text: line1, line 2
  /// action = 'upload' or 'download'
  static (double, String, String) calculateTextAndProgress(
    FileTransferProgress fileTransferProgress, 
    String action,
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    /// Displays a Column([ProgressBar, Text(line1), Text(line2)]);
    return ValueListenableBuilder();



Flutter gRPC File Transfer

Flutter mobile client for transferring files over gRPC
Other Posts in this Series

File Transfers using gRPC and ZIO

10 minute read

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gRPC with Protobuf is a framework to efficiently simplify the client-server networking requirements of modern applications. One use-case where the low-level simplicity of pure HTTP maintains an advantage over gRPC is handling file transfers: the uploading and downloading of contiguous binary block data. But gRPC can efficiently replicate all HTTP functionality within its Protobuf message framework making it unnecessary to host separate gRPC and HTTP servers for applications.
