10 minute read


gRPC with Protobuf is a framework to efficiently simplify the client-server networking requirements of modern applications. One use-case where the low-level simplicity of pure HTTP maintains an advantage over gRPC is handling file transfers: the uploading and downloading of contiguous binary block data. But gRPC can efficiently replicate all HTTP functionality within its Protobuf message framework making it unnecessary to host separate gRPC and HTTP servers for applications.

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Comparison of gRPC to HTTP/2

Because gRPC is built directly on top of HTTP/2 it is understandable that for simple file transfers gRPC can be viewed as HTTP/2 with unnecessary overhead. For certain simple tasks, gRPC can never reach the resource efficiency of a pure HTTP implementation.

For this reason, use-cases with significant volume or large file transfers will see noticeably reduced server resource demands using HTTP instead of gRPC. However, this comes with the burden of maintaining another server cluster for HTTP, or sideloading an HTTP server onto the gRPC server. The HTTP performance gain becomes a trade-off against system complexity.

Most gRPC overhead comes from the intentional copying of in-memory data models. The Java gRPC implementation will recopy userspace data to yet another array simply as a precaution: ensuring no code references and data immutability. This to enable assertions about internal state in order to optimize serialization code paths.

On the other hand, HTTP servers can be optimized for their simpler code paths without extra work; reading and writing data directly from storage to network with zero or minimal memory buffering and CPU processing.

HTTP/2 Backpressure


Protobuf Definition

Feature Requirements

The primary requirements of a file transfer mechanism are:

  • No additional encoding overhead
  • Ability to determine progress

Other feature concerns related to client and server implementation will be discussed later, but compatibility should still be verified when architecting the proto models. These features would include:

  • the ability to handle partial-file resumption,
  • multiplexed / concurrent segment transfers, and
  • pre transfer actions, such as authentication, permissions, collision detection and quotas
  • post actions, such as file renaming, name sanitation, or moving completed from temp to final directories.

The gRPC stream has the least amount of network overhead for an indeterminate amount of data. Each gRPC message is an identical type, in our case we will define a stream of FileChunk messages.

gRPC supports call metadata, which are directly like an HTTP header it is possible to send additional data which would not be part of each FileChunk in the stream. Perhaps, fields which do not vary for each message such as filename and file_size would more efficiently be sent as call metadata, but this is typically

message FileChunk {
  //Name of file
  string filename = 1;
  //Total size of file
  uint64 file_size = 2;
  //Starting offset of current chunk
  uint64 offset = 3;
  //Binary data of chunk
  bytes body = 4;

Server Definition

service FileService {
  rpc GetFile (GetFileRequest) returns (stream FileChunk);
  rpc SetFile (stream FileChunk) returns (SetFileResponse);

Server Implementation

Implementation Assumptions

Before getting into the server code, a set of assumptions have been made for simplicity.

First, the grpc connection is assumed to have been authenticated, and clients have full access to read/write to the server’s filesDirectory directory. The value of filesDirectory might depend on the authenticated user of the client, with each separate user having access to only a home directory.

The sample javaFile function maps a filename request parameter to a server java.io.File, and implements no sanitation on the value. Obviously allowing clients to enter .. and / characters within the filename will result in security vulnerabilities.

private def javaFile(unsafeFilename: String): File = {

Put requests where filename already exists will overwrite the existing file. Concurrent requests to read/write the same file will result in corruption. How to solve this depends on requirements, but a common first recommended change would be to write to a temporary server directory and move completed files to a readable directory only after the upload has completed successfully.

Client GetFile (Download)

A GetFileRequest client request will result in the server streaming filename back to the client in a chunk size set by the server. The request could easily be expanded with an offset field to allow partial file resumption, or both offset and end_offset fields to allow concurrent download streams.

message GetFileRequest {
  string filename = 1;

The ZIO server implementation for the generated Protobuf is:

def getFile(request: GetFileRequest): Stream[StatusException, FileChunk]

The body is fairly simple after creating 2 private helper functions around the ZIO NIO file library.

One function to return the file_size of a file using ZIO Files.size.

private def readFileSize(file: File): IO[IOException, Long] = {
  val path = Path.fromJava(file.toPath)
    .filterOrFail(_ == true)(FileNotFoundException(file.getName))
    .flatMap(_ => Files.size(path))

And another to create a read stream of the file using ZStream.fromPath, and luckily ZIO will chunk the stream to a specified chunkSize.

private def readFile(file: File): UStream[ByteString] = {
  ZStream.fromPath(file.toPath, chunkSize = chunkSize)
    .chunks.map(chunk => ByteString.copyFrom(chunk.toArray))
    .catchAll { 
      ex => 
        ZStream.fromZIO {
          ZIO.logErrorCause(s"Error reading file ${file.getName}", Cause.fail(ex))

The only logic left will be to convert the ZIO NIO file stream to a FileChunk stream. The only complexity here is that each chunk will depend on the previous chunk. The offset will simply be a running total of the body size of all previous FileChunk. ZIO mapAccum implements a stateful stream mapping, the state being the count of sentBytes.

override def getFile(request: GetFileRequest): Stream[StatusException, FileChunk] = {
  val file = javaFile(request.filename)
    .flatMap { fileSize =>
      readFile(file).mapAccum(0L)((sentBytes, byteString) {
        val fileChunk = FileChunk.of(
          filename = file.getName,
          fileSize = fileSize,
          offset = sentBytes,
          body = byteString,
        (sentBytes + byteString.size, fileChunk)
    .catchAll { ex =>

There are many types of IO related errors which can happen accessing local files, our implementation will opt to return the default GRPC error status on all failures.

Client SetFile (Upload)

As mentioned at the head of the article, GRPC allows metadata content to be part of call headers. Storing upload parameters as headers would simplify a streaming approach by removing the requirement to inspect the head element of the stream for parameters such as the filename and file_size.

Alternative GRPC Metadata Headers Approach

Standard GRPC practices are to use the call metadata to store call agnostic data, such as authentication, tracing, and other information which will apply to all calls. The .proto file specification doesn’t include the ability to define call message headers, so associating headers with calls will make .proto files an incomplete documentation of the call.

Moreover, GRPC services are generated code creating an inflexibility to specifying individual call signatures. Each signature within a service will contain the same additional parameter. So a modified setFile will need to choose between having a generically typed header field or residing in a separate service class.

ZIO Approach

The setFile request has the Scala signature:

def setFile(request: Stream[StatusException, FileChunk]): IO[StatusException, SetFileResponse]

The SetFileResponse response returns a filename, useful in the case where the input filename has been modified, such as stripping out illegal characters, adding a version identifier or translating to a UUID or URI. Our implementation will mirror the input.

message SetFileResponse {
  string filename = 1;

The implementation will use a helper class, as the stream is stateful. The head FileChunk of the stream will create a new state by opening an AsynchronousFileChannel on the server that subsequent stream elements will append to. The SaveFileAccum state will also continue to update its offset field, which while unnecessary to function it will continue to be verified against the offset of the incoming stream elements.

case class SaveFileAccum(
  asynchronousFileChannel: AsynchronousFileChannel,
  file: File,
  totalSize: Long,
  offset: Long,

The code for the setFile function will be center around creating a ZSink, a ZIO Stream class that processes a stream and returns a final output value. Our sink will have the signature:

ZSink[Scope, StatusException | IOException, FileChunk, Nothing, Option[SaveFileAccum]]

The type parameters can be a bit intimidating at first, but are straight forward. Our ZSink needs a Scope to run in because it contains an open AsynchronousFileChannel which will need to be closed. It will throw both StatusException and IOException, but we could reduce this to just GRPC StatusException if made our sink a little more complicated by handling all IO errors internally. It processes a stream of FileChunk items and will process all of them so it will have Nothing remaining elements, and its output will be an Option[SaveFileAccum].

ZSink Output

The choice to return an Option[SaveFileAccum] allows us to externalize more code from the sink than if it returned a SetFileResponse directly.

After the sink runs, the value of Option[SaveFileAccum] is either:

  • If Some then a file was created. Either:
    • The client’s filesize matches our file size means the upload was successful, or
    • The file size doesn’t match, meaning the upload was incomplete.
  • If None, then no file was created.

The ZIO code for this is:

ZIO.scoped {
  request.run(sink).flatMap {
    case Some(SaveFileAccum(_, file, expectedSize, actualSize)) if expectedSize == actualSize =>
      val response = SetFileResponse.of(file.getName)

    case Some(SaveFileAccum(_, file, expectedSize, actualSize)) =>
      ZIO.logError(s"Upload ended at $actualSize of $expectedSize") *> ZIO.fail(StatusException(CANCELLED))

    case _ =>
      ZIO.logError("Could not create file") *> ZIO.fail(StatusException(UNKNOWN))

ZSink Processing

The processing done by the sink to the stream of FileChunk has a few responsibilities. First, it will need to inspect the first element of the stream to look for the upload parameters. The upload parameters will include the filename which will be used to create the AsynchronousFileChannel, and an expected filesize, which will be used to verify a successfully completed stream. (Additionally we could include an MD5 or other hash to verify content as well as file size.)

Our code will include a verification that the expected upload file size is below a maximum, as we don’t have unlimited storage resources. Moreover, the processing of each FileChunk will continue to verify that the running total of bytes uploaded is below our server maximum and equal to the expected file size.

The sink will process the stream using a foldLeftZIO since we will need to maintain a state (Option[SaveFileAccum]) updating it during each chunk processing.

ZSink.foldLeftZIO(None)((saveFileAccum, fileChunk) {
  //case 1: invalid chunk size, throw INVALID_ARGUMENT
  //case 2: file channel not open => open file channel and write first chunk
  //case 3: file channel open, but chunk offset != expected throw INVALID_ARGUMENT
  //case 4: file channel open, but chunk greater than remaining bytes
  //case 5: channel open, chunk valid => append to file channel
Case 1: Invalid Chunk Size

Separate from maxFileSize it is also important to limit how large individual chunks can be. Noted earlier, gRPC will perform multiple copies of the body data so allowing too large of chunks will result in more memory churn and GC pressure. For example, allowing 100MB chunk sizes may require > 300MB of memory to properly process the request.

case _  if fileChunk.body.size() > maxChunkSize =>
  ZIO.logError(s"Chunk size ${fileChunk.body.size()} exceeds maximum $maxChunkSize") 
    *> ZIO.fail(StatusException(INVALID_ARGUMENT))
Case 2: File Channel Not Open

This should only run on the first chunk. It will either create an open AsynchronousFileChannel or determine that the file upload is invalid and throw an exception.

val file = javaFile(fileChunk.filename)
val path = Path.fromJava(file.toPath)
val chunk = Chunk.from(fileChunk.body.asScala.map(Byte.unbox))
if (fileChunk.fileSize > maxFileSize) {
  ZIO.logError(s"File too large, attempted ${fileChunk.fileSize} bytes")
    *> ZIO.fail(StatusException(OUT_OF_RANGE))
} else if (fileChunk.fileSize < chunk.length) {
  ZIO.logError(s"Invalid chunk ${chunk.length} exceeds total size ${fileChunk.fileSize}")
    *> ZIO.fail(StatusException(INVALID_ARGUMENT))
} else {
  for {
    _ <- ZIO.log(s"Uploading file ${path.toString}, size ${fileChunk.fileSize}")
    channel <- AsynchronousFileChannel.open(
    _ <- channel.writeChunk(chunk, 0)
  } yield {
    Some(SaveFileAccum(channel, file, fileChunk.fileSize, chunk.length))
Case 3: File Channel Open But Invalid Offset

Verifies that this FileChunk is at the expected offset.

case Some(SaveFileAccum(_, _, _, offset)) if fileChunk.offset != offset =>
  ZIO.logError(s"Invalid chunk offset ${fileChunk.offset}, expected $offset")
    *> ZIO.fail(StatusException(INVALID_ARGUMENT))
Case 4: File Channel Open, But Chunk Greater Than Remaining Bytes

Verifies that this FileChunk body doesn’t exceed the remaining number of bytes left in the stored file.

case Some(SaveFileAccum(_, _, totalSize, offset)) if fileChunk.body.size() > totalSize - offset =>
  ZIO.logError(s"Invalid chunk ${fileChunk.offset} exceeds total size $totalSize")
    *> ZIO.fail(StatusException(OUT_OF_RANGE))
Case 5: File Channel Open, Write to Channel

All invalid FileChunk cases have been checked, the body should be appended to the open file channel and the sink state updated with the new expected offset for the next element of the stream.

val chunk = Chunk.from(fileChunk.body.asScala.map(Byte.unbox))
val saveFileAccum = SaveFileAccum(
  asynchronousFileChannel = asyncFileChannel,
  file = file,
  totalSize = totalSize,
  offset = offset + chunk.length,
asyncFileChannel.writeChunk(chunk, offset).as(Some(saveFileAccum))


The next post in this series will create a Flutter client for this server component.



ZIO gRPC File Transfers

Server component for transferring and storing files over gRPC
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Flutter gRPC File Transfers

4 minute read

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Modern mobile apps are benefiting from using gRPC with Protobuf to reduce boilerplate code for their client-server networking implementation. While directly implemented by gRPC, the library can easily implement all necessary features for efficient file transfers.
