4 minute read


GitHub Pages is free hosting for static content webpages, and a cost-effective way to publish microsites for all of your projects. Can it handle custom domains, and HSTS domains? How about multiple custom HSTS domains?

HSTS domains force HTTPS

Every internet connection should be over HTTPS. The Let’s Encrypt project offers free TLS certificates so there is no excuse to use HTTP, and privacy reasons not to. Every one of your favourite ecommerce websites already force HTTPS, however the most common implementation is to return a 301 Moved Permanently response to any HTTP request directing to the HTTPS url.

But there is a better, formal way to do this called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS). HSTS is an official HTTP mechanism to enforce secure HTTPS connections at the (sub)domain level without 301s.

HTTPS-Only Domains: .dev .app .page

There are many Top Level Domains (TLDs) now, and adoption is growing. The original TLDs are archaic and unhelpful - but simple. Thinking in .com terms is also very US centric, the rest of the world has already moved to country code TLDs like .cn (China) or .de (Germany) to offer better localized (and language) representation.

Beyond regional TLDs, .com is meant to represent a commercial use. Is this the best way to present your site? Tech startups began to (mis)use the .io TLD to separate themselves, along with avoiding paying for domain squaring.

Out of the +1500 TLDs available, there are 3 common ones: .dev, .app, and .page that make HTTPS mandatory using HSTS. That means you cannot serve any traffic over HTTP. These are promoted on Google Domains’ security page https://domains.google/tld/security/ and are likely the precursor to all domains using HSTS.

GitHub Pages on HTTPS-Only Domains

Short answer, yes you can use HTTPS-Only domains on GitHub Pages.

The only caveat is that the pages won’t be served until the Enforce HTTPS checkbox has been successfully enabled.

DNS Setup

GitHub pages has good documentation on this, basically to point any subdomain, ie: www.example.com to your GitHub Pages you will need to create a CNAME entry at your DNS provider. The CNAME is an entry in the DNS record that points your www.example.com to <user>.github.io. It is the DNS equivalent of an HTTP redirect, it is telling browsers requesting www.example.com to use <user>.github.io instead.

GitHub Pages Apex Domain

Apex domains are what you purchase when you “buy a domain”. You choose a TLD (Top Level Domain) such as .com or .eu, and then a unique apex domain in it, such as example.com. While you may run your website on www.example.com and api.example.com, it is import to also set up the apex. The only difference is a CNAME doesn’t work for apex domains, These need a more low level approach; instead of setting up CNAME to point to another domain you need to use an A record set to the GitHub server IP addresses:

No big deal, at your DNS provider, add an A record of:

and an AAAA record (support IPv6) of:


The next step is easy to forget, but very important.

Verify Your Domain

If you don’t verify, ie: prove ownership of your domain, then there are cases where other users can pretend that they own it and use it for their pages. Should your GitHub Pages every get disabled the next person to request your domain for their GitHub Page will get it! This is caused by the limitation that DNS isn’t part of HTTP, it is completely separate.

When your CNAME or A record points to <user>.github.io it is a DNS configuration to resolve your example.com domain to whatever IP is used by <user>.github.io, which are the GitHub Pages server IPs. It then sends an HTTP request for example.com to one of those GitHub Pages IPs.

If their GitHub Pages is set to use your domain as its custom domain their site will be used. Thankfully, stopping this from happening is easy and explained in the documentation. The solution adding a TXT record in your DNS record with a specific token value that proves you own the domain. This is a common approach used by AWS, Google Adsense, etc.

Don’t Use Wildcard Subdomains

Very similar to how domain hijacking happens, is the exploitation of CNAME wildcards directing *.example.com to GitHub Pages. The problem here is that your GitHub Pages site can only have 1 domain (plus the apex domain) and you are pointing an unlimited number of subdomains to GitHub Pages. Let’s say you set up your site to be www.example.com ( and example.com) but wildcard your CNAME, this means requests to blog.example.com also are directed to GitHub Pages. The first GitHub Pages site to set their custom domain to blog.example.com will be served! So don’t use CNAME wildcards.


The flexibility of CNAME records will create security exploits when misconfigured, but also allows for many use-cases. A common example would be to have a <user>.github.io site on www.example.com, plus individual repo sites on www.example.com/repo1, www.example.com/repo2, etc., plus other domains such as repo3.com pointing to your other repo pages. It’s all done by using the GitHub Pages UI and setting all CNAME to <user>.github.io
