Ostrich. Not just for stats, also for documentation.
Ostrich is a stats collector and reporter created by Twitter, and it is a welcome addition to
any Finagle (Apache Thrift) implementation. At its
core it uses an extremely lightweight com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer
to handle JSON and HTML requests.
Consider using the built-in Ostrich stats server to host your Thrift API documentation.
One easy way to publish your API is to publish you Thrift files. Under the JVM, it’s as easy as moving them to
the /resources
folder. Also included in the standard Thrift code generator is the ability to generate html – a
complete, user-friendly and navigable website which includes all of your javadocs properly formatted.
./thrift --gen html:standalone
The best reason to include your API documentation within your jar is your documentation will always be in sync with your deployed code.
First, a little java inspired code to list all entries in the jar.
lazy val thriftJarEntries: Seq[String] = {
import java.util.jar.JarFile
import java.io.File
import java.net.URI
val classInThriftJar = OstrichService.getClass
val classLoader = classInThriftJar.getClassLoader
val threadContextClass = classInThriftJar.getName.replace('.', '/')
val url = classLoader.getResource(threadContextClass + ".class")
val path = url.getPath
val jarExt = ".jar"
val jarPath = path.substring(0, path.indexOf(jarExt)+jarExt.length)
val jarFile = new JarFile(new File(new URI(jarPath)))
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
There is no easy way to use a wildcard search for jar resources, so it’s necessary to load the entire list and filter it manually. Once we have all the names of our thift files, we need code to serve up their contents for use in a browser response.
def getJarResourceAsText(name: String): String = {
val in = getClass.getResourceAsStream(name)
With all the heavy lifting out of the way, we are left to wire up routes so our HttpServer can respond to file requests.
By default, the Ostrich service will respond to all browser requests with the text/html
content type, which is perfect
for any HTML documentation.
val ostrichService = new AdminHttpService(port, backlog, statsCollection, runtime)
thriftJarEntries.filter(_.endsWith(".html")).foreach(entry => {
ostrichService.addContext("/thrift/" + entry){
() => getJarReferenceAsText("/" + entry)
This takes care of our HTML generated docs, be when we would like our thrift files to be treated as plain text. This is
accomplished by implementing a new CustomHttpHandler
for our HttpServer
, specifying a plain text content type.
class PlainTextHandler(content: String) extends CustomHttpHandler {
def handle(exchange: com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpExchange) {
render(content, exchange, 200, "text/plain")
thriftJarEntries.filter(_.endsWith(".thrift")).foreach(entry => {
val handler = new PlainTextHandler(getJarReferenceAsText("/" + entry))
ostrichService.httpServer.createContext("/thrift/" + entry, handler)
If you don’t already have an index from your HTML documentation, a basic page linking to the Thrift files can do the job.
val thriftFiles = thriftJarEntries.filter(_.endsWith(".thrift")).seq
val linksToFiles = thriftFiles.sorted.map(f=> {
s"""<a href="$f">$f</a>"""
//if you have a lot of files, break them into separate lines. 6 per line.
val fileHtml = linksToFiles.grouped(6).map(_.mkString(" | ")).mkString("<br/>")
//route the index page
() => "<html><body>" + fileHtml + "</body></html>"
Now all Thrift documentation is at our fingertips, served up at http://host:port/thrift/