Scala 3 and AWS Lambda Functions
AWS Lambda offer the ability to run code functions without a server. Basically standalone functions that receive JSON as a parameter and have up to 15 minutes to do anything. The source of the JSON event can be anything, AWS has configured most of their AWS products to emit events; for example uploading a file to S3 creates JSON that contains information about the file. Lambdas are meant to be simple and short-lived code snippets, so each Lambda can only listen to 1 source for events (although you can proxy multiple types of events through a single source). The most generic source for events is to listen to HTTP requests on a public URL, and we’ll cover how that can be done in this article.
That’s it; and in this function you can do anything. The function has predefined CPU and RAM limits which are
configurable between 128MB and 10GB of RAM, with up to 10GB of ephemeral /tmp
Basics of AWS Lambda
Amazon AWS pioneered the FaaS (Functions as a Service) space in 2014, but Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud quickly
followed with their own products in 2016. An AWS Lambdas takes an event
parameter and a Context
that represents the
execution environment:
def handleRequest(event: Event, context: Context): Response
The source of the event
will determine what it is, within AWS all events are JSON however AWS will automatically parse
the JSON using an internal Jackson library to any POJO specified in the function. For convenience AWS has made
a aws-lambda-java-events
package that contains classes for all AWS events. Similarly, any class that can be
serialized by Jackson can be used as a Response
When AWS Lambdas are configured as public Internet endpoints they will be accessible at
In this case, the most appropriate Event
and Response
classes to use are of the APIGateway:
import{APIGatewayV2HTTPEvent, APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse}
class Handler extends RequestHandler[APIGatewayV2HTTPEvent, APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse] {
override def handleRequest(event: APIGatewayV2HTTPEvent, context: Context): APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse
The APIGatewayV2HTTPEvent
contains fields for standard HTTP information including headers, IP and the body as
a String
when available. Fortunately binary POST data is supported via Base64 encoding keeping Lambdas flexible to all
use-cases. Streaming requests are also supported but beyond the scope of this introduction.
AWS DynamoDB Use Case
Access to all AWS services is available to the Lambda using the AWS SDK. A simple use-case to study is writing POST data
to DynamoDB.
For sample data, consider the need to write price information about stocks at various times. Our DynamoDB stock_prices
table looks like:
Partition key: symbol (String)
Sort key: time (Number)
Attribute1: prices (Binary)
Consider a POST payload to our Lambda of:
"symbol": "SPY",
"time": 1660229200,
"prices": "eyJyZWd1bGFyTWFya2V0UHJpY2UiOjQxOS43OCwicHJldmlvdXNDbG9zZSI6NDIwLjAwfQ=="
"symbol": "SPY",
"time": 1660142800,
"prices": "eyJyZWd1bGFyTWFya2V0UHJpY2UiOjQxMi42NywicHJldmlvdXNDbG9zZSI6NDE5LjMzfQ=="
"symbol": "SPY",
"time": 1660056400,
"prices": "eyJyZWd1bGFyTWFya2V0UHJpY2UiOjQxOC4xMiwicHJldmlvdXNDbG9zZSI6NDE4Ljk4fQ=="
The pseudocode would be:
request -> getBody -> parseItems(body) -> putN(item) -> response
Parsing JSON
One of the breakages in Scala 3 due to macros being removed is that Jackson deserialization will not work. This means that JSON parsing has to be explicit, but for only 3 fields this is quite simple.
case class StockPriceItem(symbol: String, time: String, prices: String) {
def this(jsonNode: JsonNode) = this(
Parsing a String
to down individual JsonNode
is done using the AWS SDK’s internal JSON library:
import{JsonNode, JsonNodeParser}
def parseStockPriceItems(json: String): Try[Iterable[StockPriceItem]] = {
val items = Option(event.getBody).map(parseStockPriceItems)
Interacting with DynamoDB
The first thing to consider is permissions. Permissions can be attached to the event, or we can use the permissions that
the Lambda is currently executing under. The currently executing credentials are available using
their DefaultCredentialsProvider
in the AWS SDK.
val dynamoDbClient = DynamoDbClient.builder
While Lambda functions should be considered stateless, they are fror practicality reused if still in memory, called hot-loading. A small performance optimization to avoid reinitializing of the credential provider can be to put it into global/static scope.
The DynamoDB client writes data to the table is via a Map
request to putItem
val pricesByteArray = Base64.getDecoder.decode(prices)
val dynamoDBAttributeMap = Map(
//writing String data
"symbol" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(symbol).build,
//writing Numberic data
"time" -> AttributeValue.builder.n(time).build,
//writing Binary data
"prices" -> AttributeValue.builder.b(SdkBytes.fromByteArray(pricesByteArray)).build
val request = PutItemRequest.builder.tableName("stock_prices").item(dynamoDBAttributeMap).build
val putItemResponse = dynamoDbClient.putItem(request)
Writing the response
The format and contents of the response depends on how the Lambda response is consumed. The easiest pattern is to either
return a String
containing custom JSON (if not being consumed within AWS), or using the corresponding AWS SDK response
class that matches the event class.
Here, we will return a APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse
to match the APIGatewayV2HTTPEvent
input event.
The functional flow will use Try
to handle both happy-path and exceptions:
def parseStockPriceItems(json: String): Try[Iterable[StockPriceItem]]
def putIntoDynamoDB(stockPriceItems: Iterable[StockPriceItem]): Try[Long]
def errorToResult(ex: Throwable): APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse
.fold(errorToResult, count =>
.withBody(s"""{ "added": $count }""")
Handling errors always add complexity to code. AWS exposes logging to CloudWatch through their context
object, as well
as SLF4J wrappers. The way Lambdas work is that any unhandled exception will result in a 502 BAD GATEWAY
. Non-200
errors can also be thrown if the output response can’t be serialized to an expected output. In this example, by choice
we are choosing to only allow handled JSON parsing exceptions (caught and wrapped into a ParseException
) be serialized
to a 200 response, and all unhandled exceptions to fail the Lambda (as a 502).
given lambdaLogger: LambdaLogger = context.getLogger
case class ParseException(error: String, content: String) extends Exception(error)
def errorToResult(ex: Throwable)(using lambdaLogger: LambdaLogger): APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse =
ex match
case ParseException(error, content) =>
val message = s"Error parsing request $error in $content"
case _ =>
throw ex
Automated Deployment from GitHub Actions
While AWS has their own internal CI/CD pipeline similiar to GitHub, but it is important to continue to view cloud providers as commodity and interchangeable. GitHub (which is hosted in Azure) can easily interact with AWS.
The GitHub Action is a short snippet of YAML:
- name: Build Assembly
run: sbt test assembly
- name: AWS Update Lambda Action
uses: stcalica/update-lambda@359ca7975ee5cc5c389fc84b0e11532e39f7b707
package: "./target/scala-3.1.3/scala3-aws-lambda-dynamodb-importer-assembly-0.1.0.jar"
function-name: "dynamo-import"
AWS_REGION: "us-east-1"
AWS Permission Configuration for Lambdas
The CI/CD pipeline will automatically deploy to AWS, but the permissions and Lambda must be initially created. TODO: See [Future Article Here]
AWS Lambda DynamoDB importer
Scala3 and Python lambda functions to insert into a DynamoDB.JVM versus Python for AWS Lambda Functions
The suitability of programming languages across different domains is a contested topic. AWS Lambda Functions are a serverless solution that can be used for a wide range of problems from tiny to large tasks. For lightweight tasks how does the JVM stack up?